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Mother’s Day 2015: Learn How You Can Help Us Spread Joy This Mother’s Day with Gift Baskets!


We are seeking donations of completed baskets from local groups, organizations, and families. We are asking each group to pledge to make as few as 10 or as many as 50, but any amount is appreciated! Or you may donate goods so that our volunteers may complete baskets for you. Please RSVP your pledge by April 1, 2015, and plan to deliver baskets and donations to New Hope Foundation by Saturday, May 2, 2015……. (click the “Read More” link at right for more information!)Read More

Application Now Available For The 2015 Elves In Disguise Home Makeover!


Each year, volunteers at New Hope Foundation join together to bring joy and hope to one or more families with our Elves in Disguise “home makeover.” Please think about a family or volunteer organization you might recommend for this amazing community service experience. Complete the application to nominate them, or have them complete it for self-nomination…… (click the “Read More” link at right!)Read More

Mother’s Day 2014: Mother’s Day Gift Baskets

Last year (2013), New Hope worked with the Notre Dame Alumni Club of Dallas to distribute more than 100 gift baskets to women in a battered women’s shelter on Mother’s Day. This year (2014), thanks to participation from the Dallas Bar Association Community Involvement Committee and a growing list of generous individuals, we will triple that number……(click the “Read More” link at right for more information!)Read More

Homeless For A Night

New Hope was honored to moderate Bishop Dunne Catholic School’s “Homeless For a Night” for its third year recently. Several public speakers told stories about the circumstances that led to their own homelessness. They encouraged students

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