Here’s a quick update regarding Elves in Disguise 2013. The big event is tomorrow and we are almost ready to go. We wanted to share some photos and a short video of just some of the things our volunteers have been doing in preparation for the big day. Some people think Elves in Disguise is a one day event, but check out this video and the new photo gallery and you’ll see that it is much, much more. See More In Our Elves In Disguise 2013 Photo & Video Gallery!
Attorney Kip Petroff’s 14-year-long crusade against the makers of fen-phen
CEO BOOKSHELF Written by Glenn Hunter November 2011 issue of D CEO Any CEO whose company has been a litigation target would do well to read this account of attorney Kip Petroff’s 14-year-long crusade against Wyeth and American Home Products, makers of the fen-phen “miracle drug cocktail” for overweight people. Petroff, founder and senior partner of Dallas-based Petroff & Associates, says he’s been suing big companies on behalf of consumers for a quarter-century. But this case has obviously been his biggest. VIEW THIS ISSUE OF D CEO AT DMAGAZINE.COM or CLICK HERE FOR PDF FILE