New Hope Foundation improves the lives of underprivileged families living in North Texas through life skills programs, educational programs and scholarships, senior programs, and family focus programs that assist and empower individuals seeking to break the cycle of poverty in their own lives and in their communities.
What is New Hope Foundation's Mission?
How Can I Help?
What a great question!
You can donate cash via PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account to do so).
When/What is Elves In Disguise?
Each holiday season, volunteers at New Hope Foundation join together to bring joy and hope to one or more families with our special “home makeover.” Elves in Disguise provides basic items many people may take for granted, such as a clean mattress with sheets and a bed frame or a dining room table or desk where the kids can do homework. Relieved of the burden of providing the basics, families are able to focus on achieving important milestones that can help them break the constraints of poverty.
Please see our Elves In Disguise page for photos, videos, and more information about this project.
What is Framehouse Outreach Foundation and how is it related to New Hope Foundation?
Framehouse Outreach Foundation, founded by Reverend Johnny Flowers in 2009, is our #1 Community Partner. Almost everything New Hope Foundation does is done in coordination with Framehouse Outreach Foundation. The main legal difference is that Framehouse Outreach Foundation is a public charity approved by the IRS under section 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) of the Internal Revenue Code and New Hope Foundation is a private charity approved by the IRS under section 501 C 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Framehouse Outreach Foundation is the owner of the Empowerment Center at 2200 Zang Blvd, Dallas, Texas 75224. Framehouse Outreach Foundation pays all the bills of the Empowerment Center through donations, grants, and service contracts. New Hope Foundation does not pay the Empowerment Center’s bills but pays for some of the events and activities at the Empowerment Center and New Hope Foundation pays all the expenses of Elves in Disguise and the scholarships associated with Elves in Disguise. More information is available on the Framehouse Outreach Foundation page of this website or you can ask for additional information through our “Contact Us” page.